John Lawrence Stoner (1906-1976) was a native of Sacramento, California. He was a pupil at the San Diego Academy of Fine Arts where he met his future wife and fellow artist Mary Elizabeth Shropshire. In the late 1920’s, they operated a commercial art business called the Graphic Art Studio. Stoner’s earlier work consisted of mainly linoleum and wood block prints, but later worked in watercolor, oil, pen & ink, charcoal, crayon, and acrylic. He was a member of the San Diego Art Guild.
Resources Cited:
San Diego Journal of History
Ask Art
Woodcut titled, "Dawn, Borego, " by J. L. Stoner, with artist’s signature at lower right and numbered 8/50. Matted and unframed. Image of trees (palm trees?) in front of mountains.
Reference: Who’s Who in American Art - 1940
Represented: San Diego Fine Arts Society Written on mat: J. L. Stoner Box 6 Point Loma, Calif