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Theology and Religious Studies Research Guide


The reference material on the Second Vatican Council can be found in the Religious Studies/Philosophy Library located on the 3rd floor of Mullen Library.  These items are non-circulating and can be found in the BV 8-12 and BV 1134 range.  Some of these items are located in the restricted-access Canon Law Reading Room.

Circulating material can be found in the Mullen Library stacks (BV 11-12, BX 1134, and BXZ 830 range). The latest issues of current periodicals dealing with Church History are located in Stacks 1 Center.

II Vatican Council Search Engine
This search engine for the Second Vatican Council (October 11th, 1962 - December 8th, 1965) allows you to search the full text of all documents (in English). The Community of St. Joseph in Austria maintains the search engine.

Council Texts

This section lists the actual texts of the Second Vatican Council such as the Constitutions, Declarations, Decrees, Schemas, Acta, and council speeches (in English and Latin).   These texts are available online and in print.


Constitutio dogmatica de ecclesia, Lumen gentium
Call Number: BXZ 830 1962 .A45 C8 1995

Relatio Super Schema Decreti de Episcopis ac de Dioecesium Regimine: Sub Secreto
Call Number: BT 348 .V34 D2 R4 1963

Relatio Super Schema Decreti de Oecumenismo: Sub Secreto
Call Number: BT 403.2 .V34 D3 R4 1963

Relatio Super Schema Emendatum Propositionum De Sacerdotibus Quod Nunc Inscribitur De Vita et Ministerio Sacerdotali: Sub Secreto
Call Number: BT 2293.2 .V34 R4 1964

Schema Decreti de Ministerio et Vita Presbyterorum: Textus Emendatus et Relationes (Sub Secreto)
Call Number: BT 2293.2 .V34 D3 S3 1964

Texts in Latin:

Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Decreta
Call Number: BV 11 .C39 1973

Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta
Call Number: BV 11 .C6 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)

Constitutiones, Decreta, Declarationes
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A2 S47 1966

Council Speeches:

Council Daybook: Vatican II: Session 1, Oct. 11 to Dec. 8, 1962: Session 2, Sept. 29 to Dec. 4, 1963
Call Number: BX 1134 .A54 C7

Council Daybook: Vatican II, Session 3 Sept. 14 to Nov. 21, 1964
Call Number: BX 1134 .A54 C8

Council Daybook: Vatican II, Session 4, Sept. 14, 1965 to Dec. 8, 1965
Call Number: BX 1134 .A54 C9

Council Speeches of Vatican II
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A2 K95

Third Session Council Speeches of Vatican II
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A22 L43 Also available online.

Toward an Undivided Church
Call Number: BT 403.2 .H82 T7
This book contains the addresses of Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, and Augustin Cardinal Bea to the Protestant and Orthodox observers and guests at the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965.

Acta. The following multi-volume sets contain the entire official record of the Council:

Acta et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II Apparando. Series I, Antepraeparatoria
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A2 S45 (Canon Law Library Folios)

Acta et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II Apparando. Series II, Praeparatoria
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A2 S46 (Canon Law Library Folios)

Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A2 S93

Some volumes are freely available online.

English Translations

Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils
Call Number: BV 11 .C3913

The Documents of Vatican II
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A13 1982 (Canon Law Library and Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)

The Documents of Vatican II: In a New and Definitive Translation
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A2 A13 1966b

The Sixteen Documents of Vatican II and The Instruction on the Liturgy
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A22 S14

Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A22 F5 1992 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)

Vatican Council II: More Postconciliar Documents
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .A22 F52 1982b

Vatican II: The Church Constitution
Call Number: BT 302.2 .V34 C8 F58 V3

Vatican II: The Liturgy Constitution
Call Number: BT 4034 .V34 C7 F583 1966

Reference Materials


Theology of the Church: A Bibliography
Call Number: BT 2.35 .D8 1999

Vatican II: A Bibliography
Call Number: BX 1134 .Z9 D66 V3 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)

Laval Théologique et Philosophique
Call Number: BT 3 .L39 (Stacks Periodicals)
"Recherches et publications recentes autour de Vatican II" v.53 (1997): 435-454; v.55 (1999): 115-149; v.56 (2000): 543-583; v.58 (2002): 177-203; v.59 (2003): 583-606; v.60 (2004): 561-577; v.61 (2005): 613-653


Concilium Vaticanum II [i.e. Secundum]: Concordance, Index, Listes de Fréquence, Tables Comparatives
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .Z5 D4 (Canon Law Library)

Index Verborum cum Documentis Concilii Vaticani Secundi
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .Z5 O2

Indices Verborum et Locutionum Decretorum Concilii Vaticani II
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .Z5 I5


Not all of the commentaries are in English.  Some of the commentaries cover all of the documents while most commentaries focus on 1 or 2 documents.  

Church; Vatican II's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church; Text and Commentary
Call Number: BT 302.2 .V34 C7 E5 1969

The Church and the Jewish People; A Commentary on the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
Call Number: BT 413 .B36 C5E5

Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .Z6 V95 C7

A Concise Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council
Call Number: BT 128.2 .H35 C7

Constitutio de Sacra Liturgia: cum Commentario
Call Number: BT 4034 .V34 C6 1964

Is Mary Relevant?: A Commentary on Chapter 8 of Lumen Gentium, the Constitution on the Church from Vatican Council II
Call Number: BT 1006 .C89 I7

The Sacrament of Orders and the Clerical State: A Commentary on the Code of Canon Law
Call Number: BV 1799 .W55 2006

Theology of Revelation: Including a Commentary on the Constitution "Dei verbum" of Vatican II
Call Number: BT 265 .L35 T3 E5

Vatican II: The Church Constitution
Call Number: BT 302.2 .V34 C8 F58 V3

Commentaries from Rediscovering Vatican II Series:

The Church and the World: Gaudium et spes, Inter Mirifica
Call Number: BXZ 830 1962 .A45 C9868 2005

The Church in the Making: Lumen Gentium, Christus Dominus, Orientalium Ecclesiarum
Call Number: BXZ 1753 .G255 2006

Ecumenism and interreligious Dialogue: Unitatis Redintegratio, Nostra Aetate
Call Number: BXZ 1784 .C35 2005

The Laity and Christian Education: Apostolicam Actuositatem, Gravissimum Educationis
Call Number: BXZ 830 1962 .A45 A7435 2006

Liturgy: Sacrosanctum Concilium
Call Number: BXZ 830 1962 .A45 C645 2007

Religious Life and Priesthood: Perfectae Caritatis, Optatam Totius, Presbyterorum Ordinis
Call Number: BXZ 1912 .C668 2008

Scripture: Dei Verbum
Call Number: BXZ 830 1962 .A45 D454 2006

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias:

Dictionary of the Council
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .Z5 D43 E5

Historical Dictionary of Catholicism
Call Number: BX 31 .C65 1997 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)

The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought
Call Number: BT 3415.2 .N36

Synopse des Textes Conciliaires
Call Number: BV 12 1962 .Z5 D43 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
The book is in French.

Vaticano II, Enciclopedia Conciliar: Historia, Doctrina, Documentos
Call Number: BX 1134 .V33
This encyclopedia is in Italian.

The Encyclopedia of Christianity
Call Number: BR95 .E9213 1999

Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy
Call Number: BX 103 .E52 1999 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)

The Great Popes through History: An Encyclopedia
Call Number: BX 103 .G78 2002

New Catholic Encyclopedia
Call Number: BT 6 .N53 2003