Augustinian Bibliography, 1970-1980: With Essays on the Fundamentals of Augustinian Scholarship
Call Number: BQ 5732 .M5 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
This Augustinian Bibliography consists of sections such as previous bibliographies, life of Augustine of Hippo, writings of St. Augustine, philosophical issues, theological issues, and historical and doctrinal relations. The essays focus on Augustine's views of God, sense knowledge, natural law, and concupiscence
Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis
Call Number: BT 2130.5 .B58 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
The main language of the volumes is Latin; other languages include English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Section 6 of each volume has information regarding Patristics.
Bibliografia Origeniana, 1960-1970
Call Number: BQ 1674 .F23 B5 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
The book is a bibliography of Origen in Italian.
Bibliographia Patristica: Internationale Patristische Bibliographie
Call Number: BQ 1 .P32 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
Bibliographia Patristica: Internationale Patristische Bibliographie is a bibliography of the early Church Fathers.
Bibliographie Critique d'Origene. Supplément II
Call Number: BQ 1674 .O95 B5 suppl.2 1996 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
This book contains a bibliography of Origen in French.
Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale
Call Number: BT 3 .R2951 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale is a bibliography of theology and includes Patristics. Tome 1-3, 1929-40, issued quarterly as a supplement to Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, t. 1-12
Clavis Patrum Graecorum
Call Number: BQ 310 .C67 introd. (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library and Stacks)
Clavis Patrum Graecorum (a five volume set) is a bibliography of early Greek Fathers of the Church.
Clavis Patrum Latinorum
Call Number: BQ 310 .C752 D4 1961 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
Clavis Patrum Latinorum is a bibliography of early Latin Fathers of the Church. The book is also located in the Stacks.
Clavis Patrum Latinorum (3rd Edition)
Call Number: BQ 310 .C752 D4 1995 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library and Greek and Latin Reading Room)
Clavis Patrum Latinorum is a bibliography of early Latin Fathers of the Church.
The Early Church: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature in English
Call Number: BX 1.32 .R63 1993 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
The book is divided into twenty-six themes; each theme has a short introduction, followed by a list of important books and articles written in English pertaining to that topic. The work includes sections such as reference works, general works and collections, and patristic exegesis.
Elenchus Bibliographicus
Call Number: BT 3 .E64 bibliog. (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
Elenchus Bibliographicus, in languages such as French, English, and Latin, contains a section on patristics called Aetas patristica (found in the section called Historia theologiae et theologorum). The index is also available as a CD-ROM in the Religious Studies and Philosophy Library (314 South).
Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus
Call Number: BS410 .B5815 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus (volumes 39-65, years 1958-1984) is a bibliography and an index.
Literatures of the World in English Translation: A Bibliography: Volume 1: The Greek and Latin Literature
Call Number: PA 29.5 .T7 E5 P2 G7 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
This book contains a bibliography on Collections of Translations of Christian Literature, Greek Christian Literature (to A.D. 300), Christian Writers (A.D. 300 to 900), and Christian Latin Literature (to A.D. 450).
Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale
Call Number: BT 3 .R295 (Stacks Periodicals)
Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale covers works and periodicals to 1800 including the Early Church and Middle Ages; it is in French, English, and German.
Later volumes are available in the Stacks Periodicals while earlier volumes can be requested from WRLC storage.
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique
Call Number: BX 4 .R455 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
Each volume includes a bibliography on all Church History eras; 1915-20 consist of bibliography only.
Theology of the Church: A Bibliography
Call Number: BT 2.35 .D8 1999 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library and Stacks)
The bibliography focuses on the writings dealing with the nature of the Church itself such as infallibility, Patristic era, and Augustine.
Biblia Patristica: Index des Citations et Allusions Bibliques dans la Littérature Patristique
Call Number: BQ 66 .B63 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library)
This six volume set is an index of biblical citations and allusions in Patristic literature. The first volume covers Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian, the second volume covers the third century except for Origen, the third volume covers Origen, the fourth volume covers Eusebius Caesarea, Cyril of Jerusalem, and Epiphanius of Salamis, the fifth volume covers Basil of Caesarea, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nyssa, and Amphilochius of Iconium, and the sixth volume covers Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose of Milan, and Ambrosiaster.
Saint John Chrysostom, A Scripture Index
Call Number: BQ 1561 .K7 (Stacks)
This book provides a scripture index to scripture quotations found in Saint John Chrysostom's writings.
BIBLindex beta version
BIBLindex beta version contains 400,000 biblical quotations and allusions of early Christian literature. In order to search by biblical citation or author on the website you will need to register with a user name and password. The Institute of Christian Sources (Sources Chretiennes), HiSoMA (History and Sources of the Ancient Worlds), a CNRS lab affiliated to Lyon II University, and French Research Agency (ANR) maintain BibLindex beta version.