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Theology and Religious Studies Research Guide


Welcome to the Theology and Religious Studies subject guide.  Be sure to click on main pages before proceeding to sub-pages as you explore the areas of your interest. 

Most reference material in Theology and Religious Studies can be found in the Religious Studies/Philosophy Library located on the 3rd floor of Mullen Library. These items are non-circulating. The majority of printed works in this area are cataloged in the BJ – BX Library of Congress Classification System (with some local adaptation). Circulating material can be found in the Mullen Library stacks.

The latest issues of current periodicals in the above subject areas are arranged in call number order. They are located in room 1 Center in Mullen stacks. Many journal articles are available online at CU e-journals. Check the library catalog for material that could be applicable to your topic.

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Major Religion & Theology Databases

Citation Management Software

Refworks is a bibliographic management tool designed to assist students in organzing their research and creating bibliographies.


  New RefWorks (Formerly Flow)

          New RefWorks (formerly Flow)

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