To search by Subject Headings in the WRLC Catalog (NOT the Discovery Catalog), type the following. Then you will see the subject headings and can select a more specific subject heading, if desired, or select the broad subject heading for the results. You can also type something else as long as shakespeare william 1564-1616 precedes the word.
Adaptations shakespeare william 1564-1616 adaptations
Bibliography shakespeare william 1564-1616 bibliography
Characters shakespeare william 1564-1616 characters
Comedies shakespeare william 1564-1616 comedies
Criticism and Interpretation shakespeare william 1564-1616 criticism and interpretation
Drama shakespeare william 1564-1616 drama
Dramatic Production shakespeare william 1564-1616 dramatic production
Film and Video Adaptations shakespeare william 1564-1616 film and video adaptations
Illustrations shakespeare william 1564-1616 illustrations
Influence shakespeare william 1564-1616 influence
Play Titles shakespeare william 1564-1616 name of the play
(for example, shakespeare william 1564-1616 antony and cleopatra)
Plots shakespeare william 1564-1616 plots
Poetic Works shakespeare william 1564-1616 poetic works
Songs and Music shakespeare william 1564-1616 songs and music
Sonnets shakespeare william 1564-1616 sonnets
Stage History shakespeare william 1564-1616 stage history
Tragicomedies shakespeare william 1564-1616 tragicomedies
Translations shakespeare william 1564-1616 translations