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Shakespeare Studies: Performance Research Guide

For general information regarding Shakespeare Studies see Shakespeare Studies: General

Meet the Librarian

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Kevin Gunn
314B Mullen Library

Shakespeare Collection in Catholic University Libraries

Most of the reference material on Shakespeare is found in the Reference Room on the 1st floor of Mullen Library (non-circulating). The call number range for Shakespeare is PR 2750-PR 3112. Circulating material is found in the Mullen Library stacks.  Floor map of Mullen Library; Map of Mullen Stacks. Check the WRLC catalog for monographs and journals that could be applicable to your topic. Check the CU’s e-journals for full text journal articles online.

Specific dramatic productions of Shakespeare are found in PN 2061 - PN 2589 and PR 651 - PR 3100.

Printable Handouts

Like to print things out to reference? You will find many of the resources and suggestions included in this LibGuide in these handouts.

William Shakespeare Subject Headings in the Catalog

To search by Subject Headings in the WRLC Catalog (NOT the Discovery Catalog), type the following. Then you will see the subject headings and can select a more specific subject heading, if desired, or select the broad subject heading for the results. You can also type something else as long as shakespeare william 1564-1616 precedes the word.

Adaptations shakespeare william 1564-1616 adaptations

Bibliography shakespeare william 1564-1616 bibliography

Characters shakespeare william 1564-1616 characters

Comedies shakespeare william 1564-1616 comedies

Criticism and Interpretation shakespeare william 1564-1616 criticism and interpretation

Drama shakespeare william 1564-1616 drama

Dramatic Production shakespeare william 1564-1616 dramatic production

Film and Video Adaptations shakespeare william 1564-1616 film and video adaptations

Illustrations shakespeare william 1564-1616 illustrations

Influence shakespeare william 1564-1616 influence

Play Titles shakespeare william 1564-1616 name of the play

(for example, shakespeare william 1564-1616 antony and cleopatra)

Plots shakespeare william 1564-1616 plots

Poetic Works shakespeare william 1564-1616 poetic works

Songs and Music shakespeare william 1564-1616 songs and music

Sonnets shakespeare william 1564-1616 sonnets

Stage History shakespeare william 1564-1616 stage history

Tragicomedies shakespeare william 1564-1616 tragicomedies

Translations shakespeare william 1564-1616 translations

Portrait of William Shakespeare

The print shows a portrait of William Shakespeare.
© Trustees of the British Museum
Object Type: Print and Frontispiece
Materials: Paper
Techniques: Etching and Engraving
Production Person: Published by C. Bathurst, After Martin Droeshout
Date: 1778