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Thomas Aquinas Research Guide

Thomas Aquinas resources at the Catholic University of America

Image of Thomas Aquinas

The print shows St. Thomas Aquinas with a star on his chest and a dove on his shoulder holding the model of a church in his hand.

Object type: print 
Materials: paper
Techniques: woodcut; hand-coloured
Production person: Anonimous
Date: 1470-1480
Dimensions: Height: 74 millimetres; Width: 53 millimetres
© The Trustees of the British Museum

Latin Editions

Expositio in Librum Boethii De Hebdomadibus
Text in Latin can be found in Parma edition of Opera Omnia, v. 17, p. 339. (Stacks Folios, BQ 6822 1852). 

In Librum Dionysii De Divinis Nominibus (1258-1265)
Cura et studio Ceslai Pera, O.P., cum introductione historica Petri Caramello et synthesi doctrinali Caroli Mazzantini.  Other titles: Expositio Super Dionysium De Divinis Nominibus. 

Super Boetium de Trinitate
Text in Latin can be found in the Leonine edition of Opera Omnia, v.50.  The set is available in the Religious Studies and Philosophy Library Folios, room 316 (BQ 6822 1882).

Expositio Super Librum De Causis
Other titles: In Librum de Causis Expositio.  Cura et studio Ceslai Pera; cum introductione historica Petri Caramello et praeludio doctrinali Caroli Mazzantini.

English Editions

Expositio in Librum Boethii De Hebdomadibus
An Exposition of the On the Hebdomads of Boethius (Stacks, PA6231.Q7 T48 2001).  Translated by Janice L. Schultz and Edward A. Synan. 

Super Boetium de Trinitate
The Trinity and The Unicity of the Intellect (Stacks, BQ 6860 .L44 E5 1946).  Translated by Sister Rose Emmanuella Brennan, S. H. N. 

Expositio Super Librum De Causis
Commentary on the Book of Causes (Stacks, BQ 6859 .C2 E5 1996).  Translated by Vincent A. Guagliardo, Charles R. Hess, and Richard C. Taylor.