Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae
Venice: Antonius de Strata de Cremona, 1482.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany)
Provides access to one of the largest and fastest growing digital collections in Germany. The digitization policy reflects the traditional special collection fields of the library: History, Classical Antiquity, Eastern Europe, Musicology. It comprises manuscripts, early prints, modern books, maps and photographic collections as well as journals and newspapers.
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (Florence, Italy)
Digitized collections of this library include manuscripts as early as tenth century.
Digital Scriptorium (Columbia University, New York)
The Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research.
Hill Monastic Manuscripts Library (Saint John's University, Minnesota)
Houses the world's largest collection of images of manuscripts from Europe, Ethiopia, and the Middle East.
Lund: Saint Laurentius Library (Lund, Sweden)
Contains digitised collection of medieval manuscripts at Lund University Library, Sweden.
Guides and catalogs to various manuscripts are located in the Greek and Latin Seminar Room (Rel. Studies and Philosophy Library, Rm. 316). They provide the information about the manuscripts by instituions that house them. The call number area ranges from Z114 to Z6621. Some of the examples include the following: Catalogue des Manuscrits de la Bibliothè€que Royale de Belgique, Les Manuscrits Classiques Latins de la Bibliotheque Vaticane, The Catalogues of the Manuscript Collections (British Museum).
Codices Manuscripti Operum Thomae de Aquino
This three - volume set is compiled by H. F. Dondaine and H. V. Shooner in cooperation with the Leonine Comission. It provides a guide to manuscripts of works in the Leonine edition of Opera Omnia of Thomas Aquinas. Records are organized in alphabetical order by location of the institution that houses them (city, university, library, etc.). Volume One (pp. 1-8) lists institutions housing original manuscripts of Thomas Aquinas (Codicis Autographi). The rest of the set is devoted to manuscripts that are written (copied) by other authors (Codices Non Autographi). The set is located in Rel. Studies and Philosophy Library (BQ6867 .C66).
The British Museum Library Manuscripts Catalog (England)
This catalog includes all types of handwritten material in Western languages, documents ranging in date from the pre-Christian era to the present day, and manuscript acquisitions of the British Museum and British Library from 1753 onwards.
Calames (France)
Provides information about archives and manuscripts in French universities and research libraries.
Catalogo Manoscritti della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican)
Contains over 150,000 manuscripts and archived documents. This library is among few other libraries containing the original manuscripts written by Thomas Aquinas.
Catalogue Collective de France (France)
Catalogue Collectif de France is a tool for locating more than 15 million documents kept at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and many other major public, academic, and special libraries in France. It offers access to three major catalogs:
• BNF: catalog of the National Library of France )
• Sudoc: collective catalogue created by Higher Educational and Research libraries and resource centres
• Base Patrimoine: collective catalog of 60 public and special libraries
Manus (Italy)
Manus is a database that includes descriptions and digitized images of manuscripts in Italian libraries public, private and ecclesiastical libraries. Over 100 institutions participate in this project.
Manuscripta Maedievalia (Germany)
This catalog provides information about the manuscripts in Germany and other countries.