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Thomas Aquinas Research Guide

Thomas Aquinas resources at the Catholic University of America


Thomistic Bibliography: 1920-1940
Edited by Vernon J. Bourke. St. Louis, Mo. : McMullen, 1945. BQ 6867 .B77 (Religious Studies/Philosophy Library, 3rd floor)

Thomistic Bibliography: 1940-1978
Compiled by Terry L. Miethe and Vernon J. Bourke. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1980. BQ 6867 .M5 (Religious Studies/Philosophy Library, 3rd floor)

Bibliographie Thomiste, 1960
2nd revised edition. Completed by P. Mandonnet, J. Destrez, and M.-D. Chenu. Paris : J. Vrin, 1960. BQ 6867 .M27 B5 1960 (Religious Studies/Philosophy Library, 3rd floor)

Thomas Aquinas: International Bibliography, 1977-1990
Compiled by Richard Ingardia. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University, 1993. BQ 6867 .I55 1993 (Religious Studies/Philosophy Library, 3rd floor)

Thomistica: an international yearbook of Thomistic bibliography
Edited by Enrique Alarcón with the collaboration of Mark Johnson. Bonn: Nova & Vetera, 2007. BQ 6867 .T46 2006 (Religious Studies/Philosophy Library, 3rd floor)

Rassegna di Letteratura Tomistica
Supersedes Bulletin Thomiste. Napoli: Edizioni Domenicane Italiane, 1969-1996. BQ 6867 .B94 (Religious Studies/Philosophy Library, 3rd floor)

Bibliographia Thomistica
Bibliographia Thomistica is a bibliographical database maintained by the Fundación Tomás de Aquino as part of the Corpus Thomisticum Project. 

Bibliographies in Journals

Bibliographies Online

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