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Tests and Measures Research Guide

A guide to the major sources of information about standardized tests and measures for use in education, nursing, psychology, social work and sociology.


Brodsky, Stanley L., Smitherman, H. O'Neal. Handbook of Scales for Research in Crime and Delinquency. New York : Plenum Press, 1983. Ref. HV 9274 .B76

Contains over 200 reviews of scales for assessing crime and delinquency. The scales are categorized by their "target", the object of the assessment (such as a crime, a group like law enforcement officers, and institutions). The targets are divided into seven groups: law enforcement and the police; courts and the law; corrections; delinquency; offenders; crime and criminality; and general scales. Directed towards researchers and graduate students.

Hill, Peter C., Ralph W. Hood Jr. (Eds.). Measures of Religiosity. Birmingham, Ala. : Religious Education Press, 1999. Theo. Phil. BR 110 .M43 1999 Location: Religious Studies and Philosophy Library (3rd floor Mullen Library)

Provides a reference for measures used in the psychology of religion in order "to relieve researchers of the unnecessary ask of creating scales for which adequate measures already exist". It contains various measurable scales that have been formulated by other researchers dealing with a general topic. Some of these general topics include Scales on Religious Beliefs and Practices, Religious Attitudes, Religious Orientation, Religious Development, Religious Commitment and Involvement, Religious Experience, Religious/Moral Values, Spirituality and Mysticism, God Concept Scale, Religious Fundamentalism, Death/Afterlife, Divine Intervention, Forgiveness, Institutional Religion, and more.

Robinson, John P., Rusk, Jerrold G., Head, Kendra B. Measures of Political Attitudes. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, 1969. Ref. JA 74.5 .R66 M4

Reviews 95 scales for determining political attitudes. The scales fall into 12 categories, which include liberalism- conservatism, racial and ethnic attitudes, hostility-related national attitudes, international affairs, and attitudes toward the political process. Written for researchers, students taking course work in research methods, and non-researchers in relevant content areas. There are two appendices to this volume: Measures of Occupational Attitudes and Measures of Social Psychological Attitudes (rev. ed., 1973).

Child Development / Therapy / Welfare Services

Boyer, E. Gil, Simon, Anita, Karafin, Gail R. (Eds.). Measures of Maturation: An Anthology of Early Childhood Observation Instruments. Philadelphia : Humanizing Learning Program, Research for Better Schools, Inc., 1973. Ref. BF 710 .B79 M4 vol. 1-3.

This three-volume set is divided into four sections, the first three only requiring 44 of the 2200+ pages of the books. Section one provides an overview, section two explains the categories and coding used in the abstracts, and section three describes the six developmental levels (neurological, physiological, affective, cognitive, interpersonal, and social). Sections One through Three are necessary for understanding the early childhood instruments detailed in the remaining 2000 pages of the series. Heavily detailed, the text is directed toward professionals and researchers.

Culbertson, Jan L., Willis, Diane J. (Eds.). Testing Young Children: A Reference Guide for Developmental, Psychoeducational, and Psychosocial Assessments. Austin, Tex. : PRO-ED, 1993. Ref. BF 719.6 .T47 1993

The text is part of the "Testing Children/Adolescents/Adults" series and fills a vitally necessary spot in the testing arena. Directed toward children infants to preschool age, the book covers the specific accommodations that are necessary for evaluating young children. The first part of the book is dedicated towards the developmental considerations in assessing young children, Part II provides and overview of methods for testing, Part III details specific disorders in young children, and Part IV deals with the ethical and legal issues regarding the psychological testing of young children.

Reynolds, Cecil R., Kamphaus, Randy W. (Eds.). Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children: Intelligence and Achievement. New York : Guilford Press, 2003. Ref. BF 722 .H33 2003. Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children: Personality, Behavior, and Context. New York : Guilford Press, 2003. Ref. BF 722 .H33 2003b   

Two volume work designed to provide a broad-based resources for indivduals assessing children and adolescents. Covers areas such as academic achievement, intelligence, adaptive behavior, personality, and creativity assessment. Some chapters emphasize applications in assessment while others deal with cutting-edge knowledge and critiques of research and statistical procedures.

Weaver, S. Joseph (Ed.). Testing Children: A Reference Guide for Effective Clinical and Psychoeducational Assessments. Kansas City: Test Corp. of America, 1984. Ref. BF 176. T426

This text is intended to be a "handbook" covering the essentials of psychological assessment of children and is meant to serve as guidelines for an initial evaluation. The text covers both assessments and evaluation considerations of children who have developmental, emotional, and physical disorders [disabilities]. There is a brief section dedicated to the legal considerations of psychological testing, evaluation and testimony in cases of child neglect, and instructions on being an expert witness as a trial. [NB: The book was published in 1984; any legal information may be outdated.] The appendix provides details and explanations of the over 100 tests that are mentioned in the text.


Boss, Pauline G., et al. (Eds.). Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach. New York : Plenum Press, 1993. Ref. HQ 728 .S638

This is not a book of tests and measures as such. The goal of the text is to underline the ties between family theories and research methods and their usefulness to each other. A formidable section of the book is spent covering the history and development of "family theory"; the history is peppered with descriptions and short biographies of the leading researchers and practitioners in the field. The book is composed of collected chapters by over 40 leading family practitioners and scholars, with the goal of showing the real world implications of the practice.

Hofferth, Sandra L., Casper, Lynne M. (Eds.). Handbook of Measurement Issues in Family Research. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007. Ref HQ 10 .H24 2007

American families have changed dramatically in the last few decades, and the kinds of statistics and information needed to measure that transformation are the subject of this volume. It was spearheaded by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. The chapters discuss developing instruments and measures for analyzing marriage and cohabitation, separation and divorce, household composition and family relationships, male fertility, and father/child relationship.

Sawin, Kathleen J., Harrigan, Marcia P., Woog, Pierre (Ed.). Measures of Family Functioning for Research and Practice. New York : Springer Pub. Co., 1995. Ref. HQ 515 .S29

A reference source about measures for family psychology. Each review includes the following information: overview of the model; instrument description; psychometric properties (validity and reliability); description of cross-cultural uses, gender sensitivity, and variant family structures; a summary of studies using the instrument; a critique summary; and list of sources. About twenty measures are critiqued and the information on them is comprehensive.

Touliatos, John, Perlmutter, Barry F., Straus, Murray A. (Eds.). Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques. Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage, 1990. Ref. HQ 728 .T68

Contains abstracts of 976 instruments and tests for family assessments. The abstracts are grouped according to five categories: dimensions of interaction, intimacy and family values, parenthood, roles and power, and adjustment. Intended for use by clinicians at all levels, researchers, and graduate students, the text serves as a comprehensive guide of the most popular techniques from the last half century. (2001 revision on order, Fall 2008)

General Clinical Tests

Cautela, Joseph R. Behavior Analysis Forms for Clinical Intervention. Champaign, Ill.: Research Press Co., c1977- 1981 Ref. BF 176. C38

Two volumes presenting a collection of tests and assessments to be given to a client by a "behavior modifier". Divided into four sections: general forms, for background information; process forms, for target behaviors and treatment plans; techniques forms, to provide aid for the implementation of the therapy, and; specific forms, which provide specific information to aid the analysis of those behaviors (such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, weight issues, sexual behavior, etc.) Helpful to anyone beginning a clinical practice in need of tools for their clients.

Corcoran, Kevin, Fischer Joel. Measures for Clinical Practice: A Sourcebook, 4th ed. vol. 1: Couples, Families and Children; Vol. 2: Adults. New York: Oxford, 2007. Ref. BF 176. C66

A very useful guide for practitioners and students, intended to measure most of the common problems seen in clinical settings. A wide variety of actual tests and measurements are included. Most are intended for rapid assessment of particular problems. Measures are listed alphabetically, but there is also a list of instruments cross-indexed by problem area.

Chun, Ki-Taek. Measures for Psychological Assessment: A Guide to 3,000 Original Sources and Their Applications. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, 1975. Ref. BF 698.5 .C45

A collection of annotated references to measures of mental health and related variables. The goal of the book is to provide access to psychological tools of measurement, help to determine the most appropriate test for a situation, and aid researchers who are compiling a bibliography. The entries are based on a search of 26 psychology and sociology journals from 1960 to 1970. The book is divided into two sections, Primary References and Applications. The former lists over 3,000 references to journal article and the latter gives information on 6,600 instances in which the measures in PR have been used. It is a helpful resource when looking for a specific measure appearing in the literature during the 1960s or early 1970s.

Fischer, Corcoran, K., & Springer, D. W. (2020). Measures for clinical practice and research : A sourcebook (Sixth edition). Oxford University Press. Mullen Library Stacks BF176 .F57 2020

Includes hundreds of standardized measures for use in clinical practice and in research. Instruments are for couples, families, and children.

General Psychological Tests

Anastasi, Anne, Urbina, Susana. Psychological Testing. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 7th ed. 1997. Ref BF 176. A5 1997

This text contains information relating to psychological tests and certain aspects thereof, including: functions and origins of psychological testing, technical and methodological principles, types of ability tests, personality testing, and an overview of the applications of testing, which includes a section concerning the ethical and social considerations in testing. The book includes Appendix A that alphabetically lists tests and assessment tools mentioned in the text and Appendix B which lists the addresses of test publishers, distributors, and test-related organizations.

Harrington, Robert G. (Ed.). Testing Adolescents: A Reference Guide for Comprehensive Psychological Assessments. Kansas City : Test Corp. of America, 1986.Ref. BF 724.25 .T47
Swiercinsky, Dennis P. (Ed.). Testing Adults: A Reference Guide for Special Psychodiagnostic Assessments. Kansas City: Test Corp. of America, 1985. Ref BF 176 .T425
Weaver, S. Joseph (Ed.). Testing Children: A Reference Guide for Effective Clinical and Psychoeducational Assessments. Kansas City: Test Corp. of America, 1984. Ref BF 176 .T426

These three volumes provide the clinician with fundamental knowledge and resources for understanding behavior problem areas and approaching diagnostic tasks with psychological tests for the age groups above.

Hersen, Michel, Bellack, Alan S. (Eds.). Dictionary of Behavioral Assessment Techniques. New York : Pergamon Press, 1988. Ref. BF 176.5 .D53

Description of over 300 techniques for assessing patients. The descriptions include a brief summary of the technique, the purpose, the development of the technique itself, psychometric characteristics considered, clinical use, future directions, and a set of references for each technique. There is an author index at the end of the book and a user's guide for the techniques at the beginning of the book. The intent of the editors was to make the text useful for both researchers and practitioners and this text seems to be successful.

Kline, Paul. The Handbook of Psychological Testing. London ; New York : Routledge, 1993. Ref. BF 176 .K575

Provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects of psychological testing. Divided into four sections, the book covers sychometric theory and methods, types of psychological tests, the use and interpretation of tests, and gives descriptions of several tests divided into seven categories.

Ogdon, Donald P. Psychodiagnostics and Personality Assessment: A Handbook. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1977. Ref. BF 698.5 .O45
Divided into four sections, the text includes detailed analysis of responses given to the Wechsler Scales, the Rorschach Test, Projective Drawings, and the Bender-Gestalt Test. Each answer that has been given has been considered by psychologists and evaluated; the professionals responsible have been cited. The handbook assumes that readers will have a thorough grounding in clinical psychology and have a full understanding of projective psychology. The uses of the handbook are geared toward those experienced in the practice of psychology.

Robinson, John P., Shaver, Phillip R. (Eds.). Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes: Volume 1 of Measures of Social Psychological Attitudes. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 1991. Ref. BF 698.4 .M38
The text is directed toward professionals especially those in the fields of psychology sociology, political science, communication, nursing, and social work; students who wish to be come familiar with measuring instruments, and; nonacademic professionals in fields related to the social sciences. For each scale, background information, the variable, a description, the reliability and validity, the location, the results and comments, and a short version of the test is provided. The book appears to be very thorough and greatly details each of the 150 assessment guides.


Beere, Carole A. Sex and Gender Issues: A Handbook of Tests and Measures. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. Ref. BF 692. B38 

This text, a companion to the author's Gender Roles: A Handbook of Tests and Measures (see below), describes 197 scales organized into 11 chapters: Heterosocial Relations, Sexuality, Contraception and Abortion, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Somatic Issues, Homosexuality, Rape and Sexual Coercion, Family Violence, Body Image and Appearance, Eating Disorders, and Other Scales. The information about each of the scales includes: title, authors, date of first publication, variable, type of instrument, description, sample items from the scale, previous subjects, for whom the test is appropriate, who should administer the test, scoring information, development of the test, reliability, validity, and notes and comments. At the end of each test description is a bibliography, provided for further research.

Beere, Carol A. Gender Roles: A Handbook of Tests and Measures. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. Ref HM 253 .B43

This text, a companion to the author's Sex and Gender Issues: A Handbook of Tests and Measures (see above), describes 211 scales about gender roles, children and gender, stereotypes, marital and parental roles, employee roles, multiple roles, and attitudes toward gender role issues, in a format similar to the volume described above.

Card, Josefina J. (Ed.). Handbook of Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy: Research and Evaluation Instruments. Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications, 1993. Ref. HQ 759.4 .H367

A handbook of instruments for assessing pregnant and sexually active adolescents. Part One contains items and scales used for measuring adolescent pregnancy and its antecedents and consequences. In this section, test questions are provided. Part Two contains information on a minimum data set for evaluating programs aimed at pre- and post-natal care for adolescent mothers and their children. Part Three contains the minimum data set for evaluating programs aimed at preventing adolescent pregnancy and a full copy of the Prevention Minimum Evaluation Data Set (PMEDS). Part Four contains instruments in the data archive on adolescent pregnancy and pregnancy prevention; it is a set of abstracts for studies performed in the topic area.

Fisher, Terri D. et al (Eds.). Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2011. Ref. HQ 60 .H36 2011

Arranged alphabetically by subject area. Each of the 200 plus critiques contains the following information: description; response mode and timing; scoring; reliability; validity; references; and an exhibit with a full example of the measure or several sample questions.

Additional Sources

Use these sources to find tests and measures for specific audiences or purposes. They complement the general ones outlined in the Overview.

Please note that while some of these titles may seem dated, they remain valuable sources of tests not available anywhere else.