Date: 1928
Source: The Catholic University of America - University Libraries
Illustration shows two women leaning out windows, on the left is an Irish domestic representing the "Dem. Party" and on the right is a well-dressed matron representing the "Rep. Party"; between them hangs a balance scale labeled "Party Politics" with Rear Admiral Winfield S. Schley on the left, trying to upset the balance by pulling on the chains, causing the scale to swing wildly, and with Admiral William T. Sampson on the right, struggling to hang on.
Date: August 21, 1901
Source: Library of Congress
Print shows a hand labeled "Fifty-Third Congress" holding a frying pan labeled "Democracy" in which is a man labeled "Democrat", over an open fire labeled "Republicanism," which is consuming logs labeled "Extravagant Appropriations, Pensions frauds, [and] McKinleyism".
Date: July 4, 1984
Source: Library of Congress
Date: 1928
Source: The Catholic University of America - University Libraries
Illustration shows a hand labeled "Republican Party" pouring champagne from a bottle labeled "Tariff Revision" into a glass held by another hand labeled "Protected Interests"; two hands labeled "Consumer" are holding an empty glass.
Date: September 23, 1908
Source: Library of Congress
Print shows William McKinley sitting on the porch of a house labeled "Presidential Hopes", flying a banner that states "The Foreigner Pays the Tax", built on stilts on a sandy beach; a rising tide labeled "Business Revival" has washed away the house and McKinley runs for safety.
Caption: He built his house on a sand-heap, and the rising tide is making short work of it.
Date: June 26, 1985
Source: Library of Congress
Illustration shows George B. Cortelyou turning a vice to squeeze money for Theodore Roosevelt's campaign from a bloated man labeled "The Trusts".
Date: November 2, 1904
Source: Library of Congress
Illustration shows presidential hopeful John A. Johnson as a logger struggling to break free a log jam of logs labeled "Reactionary Democracy, Wall Street Interests, Plutocracy, High Finance, Ryanism, Conservatism, Safe & Sane Fake, [and] Stand Pat Democracy", which are preventing him from presenting his political agenda at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado.
Caption: "If it weren't for these cussed logs, I could get my drive down to Denver."
Date: June 24, 1908
Source: Library of Congress
Print shows an angel labeled "New Party" with wings labeled "Tariff-Reform" and "Anti-Monopoly" leading two small orphan children labeled "Political Honesty" and "Political Wisdom" to safety, away from the fires, ignited by lightning labeled "Public Condemnation", that are consuming "Republican Sodom" and "Democratic Gomorrah".
Caption: But peradventure the New Party will save these two little orphans from the burning and bring them up for us.
Date: May 10, 1882
Source: Library of Congress
Illustration shows President Theodore Roosevelt wearing a white elephant costume labeled "Republican Party" with the U.S. Capitol in the background.
Date: October 5, 1904
Source: Library of Congress
Date: 1928
Source: The Catholic University of America - University Libraries