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Elections Then and Now: Immigration


Understanding and regulating the causes of immigration, as well as handling the influx of migrants has been a persistent topic throughout American history.

display case
Description: Immigration display case
top shelf of a display case
Description: Immigration display case, top shelf
top shelf of a display case
Description: Immigration display case, bottom shelf

Display Items

silver immigration officer badge
U.S. Immigrant Inspector Badge, Department of Labor, Bureau of Immigration.
Terence Powderly (1849-1924) served in the administration of McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson on immigration. He was tasked by Theodore Roosevelt to investigate the causes of European immigration.
Date: ca. 1902
Source: Terence Powderly papers
two pamphlets on display
Civic Catechism, Arabic (left) and Polish (right)
The National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC) predecessor to today’s USCCB, printed “civic catechisms” in numerous languages to provide civic education to newly-arrived immigrants in the 1920s.
Date: ca. 1920
Source: USCCB Office of general secretary records
black and white photograph of a family arriving at Ellis Island
DP Family with a Baby Carriage at Ellis Island
4. Representatives of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC) greet and interview refugees at Ellis Island
Date: 1947-48
Source: This item can be found in box 49, folder 4 of collection 141, the Bruce M. Mohler papers.


In 2024, the hot topics concerning immigration include:

•    Border policy
•    Travel bans
•    DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)
•    Comprehensive immigration reform
•    Deportation, asylum, path to citizenship 

Do you know the positions of the candidates on these important issues? 