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Ebooks Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I download an EBSCOhost ebook to my Nook/Kindle/iPad/other mobile device?

Yes! EBSCOhost titles can be downloaded or transferred to any device that supports the free software Adobe Digital Editions or the free Bluefire Reader app. This includes the iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Android devices and most ebook readers.


How long can I check out an EBSCOhost ebook?

You can check out an EBSCOhost ebook for a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 7 days.


Where can I go for more information on EBSCOhost ebooks?

Click here to go to EBSCO's eBooks Support Center. It provides FAQs, user guides, and tutorials on searching for ebooks, check-outs, downloading them, EBSCOhost accounts, etc.


Video Tutorial

Click this link to view a video tutorial on downloading EBSCOhost ebooks or follow the instructions below.

Before Downloading from EBSCOhost

1. Create an account at EBSCOhost. This is only for downloading the ebooks; you do not need an account to read the ebooks online. Click this link for instructions on creating an account.


2. Get an Adobe ID.


3. Download and install a free software program to read the ebook.

a. If you are on a computer, use Adobe Digital Editions. This free program must be installed on your computer in order to read downloaded ebooks or transfer them to ereaders or other devices.

b. If you are on a mobile device, download a free reader app such as Bluefire. These apps can be found in the app store on your device. Kindle Fire users can find out how to download the app at the Bluefire blog.

Downloading from EBSCOhost

1. Locate the ebook you want in SearchBox and click the link. If you are off campus, you have to log in:

off-campus login


2. Once you are logged in, you will be taken directly to the book.


3. Click the "Sign In" link at the top right of the page.

a. If you already have an EBSCOhost account, enter your username and password, then click the "Login" button.

b. If you do not have an EBSCOhost account, click on the "Create a new Account" link and follow the instructions to create a free account.


4. After you log in to EBSCOhost, you will be taken back to the book's page. Click the "Download This eBook (Offline)" button.


5. Select a check-out period (1 to 7 days) and click the "Checkout & Download" button. If you were not prompted to save the file, go to your "Checkouts" folder at the top right of the page.