Academic Search Complete, first stop for the beginning researcher, is our largest multi-disciplinary database, offering thousands of full-text journals, as well as indexing and abstracts for magazines, monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Most of the periodicals are covered back to at least the early 1990s, but some content dates back as far as 1887. The database features some content going back as far as 1867, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. To cross-search additional subject-specific databases from this publisher, click on Choose Databases.
A comprehensive database of humanities content, providing full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. This database includes all data from American Humanities Index and Humanities International Index (over 1.6 million records) plus unique full text content.
Multi-subject reference source covering general and academic periodicals; full-text is available for many articles.
JSTOR is a digital archive of fully searchable back issues of scholarly journals in anthropology, Asian studies, Afro American studies, ecology, economics, education, finance, general science, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, sociology, and statistics. It also includes over 2 million rights-cleared images (fka ARTstor) from major collections around the world, discoverable alongside JSTOR’s electronic texts on one feature-rich platform. Learn more about the transition to JSTOR.
Digital reproductions of the New York Times (1851-2014). Individual articles or full pages may be viewed, and the newspaper text may be searched.
Digital reproductions of the Washington Post (1877-2002). Individual articles or full pages may be viewed, and the newspaper text may be searched.
Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.
There are a large number of journals relevant to media studies research. Here are a few titles to help begin your research. More titles can be found via the SearchBox (select 'Articles').
Atlantic Journal of Communication: Studies communication theory, practice, and policy.
Communication, Culture, and Critique: CCC provides an international forum for critical, interpretive, and qualitative research examining the role of communication and cultural criticism in today's world.
Communication Research: Publishes articles that explore the processes, antecedents, and consequences of communication in a broad range of societal systems.
Critical Studies in Media Communication: CSMC publishes scholarship about media audiences, representations, institutions, technologies, and professional practices. It includes work in history, political economy, critical philosophy, race and feminist theorizing, rhetorical and media criticism, and literary theory. It takes an inclusive view of media, including newspapers, magazines and other forms of print, cable, radio, television, film, and new media technologies such as the Internet.
Film History : The subject of Film History is the historical development of the motion picture, and the social, technological, and economic context in which this has occurred. Its areas of interest range from the technical through all aspects of production and distribution.
Film & History : The Historians Film Committee exists to further the use of film sources in teaching and research about film and film use to historians and other social scientists.
Film Quarterly : Film Quarterly, published since 1958, provides readers with insightful analyses of film, the film industry, and international cinemas.
Film Score Monthly : A music journal resource with almost 800,000 indexed articles, plus detailed abstracts and full text from 1874 to the present, covering the scholarly to the popular.
Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television: An interdisciplinary journal of research, scholarly articles, book reviews and archival reports concerned with the evidence produced by the mass media for historians and social scientists, and with the impact of mass communications on history.
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media: Articles, reviews and criticism on all aspects of broadcasting and electronic media.
Journal of Communication: Concentrates on communication research, practice, policy, and theory, bringing to its readers the latest, broadest, and most important findings in the field of communication studies.
Journal of Film and Video: Focuses on scholarship in the fields of film and video production, history, theory, criticism, and aesthetics.
Journal of Popular Culture: Essays and book reviews on popular culture in all areas of the arts, humanities, social sciences and physical sciences.
Journalism and Mass Communications Quarterly: Established in 1924, JMCQ or the Quarterly is the oldest refereed scholarly journal in mass communication and provides leadership in scholarship for the field.
Mass Communication and Society: Mass Communication and Society’s mission is to publish articles from a wide variety of perspectives and approaches that advance mass communication theory, especially at the societal or macrosocial level. It draws heavily from many other disciplines, including sociology, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, law, and history.
Media, Culture, and Society: Media, Culture & Society provides a major peer-reviewed, international forum for research and discussion on the media, including the newer information and communication technologies, within their political, economic, cultural and historical contexts.
Media History: Media History is an interdisciplinary journal which welcomes contributions addressing media and society from the fifteenth century to the present.
Television and New Media: VNM addresses questions of how issues of economics, politics, culture and power are enacted through television and new media forms, texts, industries, and contexts. Topics for the journal engage with critical and interdisciplinary research into audiences and consumers, authors and producers, cultural history and geography, globalization, policy, citizenship, activism, and pedagogy as well as the intersections between social identities, such as race, class, and gender.
All of the e-books in CUA's collection may be found using a Title search in SearchBox. Many e-books can also be found in the Article databases. Below are four significant e-book databases you may wish to search.
For help dowloading, printing, and copying e-books, please refer to the E-Book Research Guide.
The EEBO contains the full text of 100,000 early English works from 1470-1700. The subject areas include: English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science
A digitized collection of books, pamphlets, essays, broadsides, and more, issued 1701-1800. Most published in the U.K., some from the Americas and elsewhere. Significant collections of women writers of the eighteenth century, collections on the French Revolution, and numerous eighteenth-century editions of the works of Shakespeare are included. Where they add scholarly value or contain important differences, multiple editions of each individual work are offered.
Provides access to unique primary source materials that document political reform and revolution, nationalism and nation building, the expansion of empire and colonialism, growing literacy and education, and the flowering of both popular and high culture and consists of four parts: Children's Literature and Childhood; Women and Transnational Networks; Religion, Reform, and Society; Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture.
See also Gale Primary Sources and Archives Unbound
An integrated research experience, Gale Primary Sources unifies extensive digital archives and enables researchers to make never-before-possible research connections. This resource will be expanding, but currently allows users to simultaneously search the following primary resources, published by Gale: Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: The Oliveira Lima Library; Eighteenth Century Collections Online; Nineteenth Century Collections Online; and Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers, and the Times Digital Archive.