American Drama CriticismFloyd Eugene Eddleman. 2nd ed. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1979-. Supplements. PS 11.7.D7 E33.
Lists interpretations of American plays published primarily between 1890 - 1977 in books, periodicals, and monographs. The focus is on stage plays and musicals written by American dramatists, with a few Canadian/Caribbean works which have been performed in the United States. Entries are listed alphabetically by playwright, with related critical material listed under each play. Indexes include: List of Books Indexed, List of Journals Indexed, Index of Titles, Index of Playwrights, Index of Critics, and Index of Adapted Authors and Works. There are also four supplementary volumes. Supplement I (1984) lists more-recently published interpretations as well as reflecting new research on early American plays. Supplement II (1989) covers interpretations of American plays through 1987, including a few works by European playwrights living and working in the United States and Canada. It reflects further research into early American plays and increased interest in works by and about women, African-Americans, Chinese-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. Supplement III (1992) lists references to American plays published in books, periodicals, and monographs through 1990. Special studies on Jews, Native Americans, immigrants, gays, lesbians and women in American drama are included. Beginning in this supplement, articles of a general nature are included, immediately below the playwright’s name. Supplement IV (1996), compiled by Lanelle Daniel, covers references to American plays published in books, periodicals, monographs, and various audiovisual materials through 1993. It reflects growing interest in feminist criticism and female playwrights and performance artists. There are special studies covering gay and lesbian drama (especially as it involves AIDS and related issues), as well as Jews, Native Americans, immigrants and women in American drama.