These series can all be found in the Greek and Latin Seminar Room (with the exceptions of the Corpus Christianorum and Sources Chretiennes series), but we may have circulating copies in the stacks. Click on the series names or search the catalog to find specific titles.
Library of Latin Texts
This database comprises almost all works published in the Corpus Christianorum, both the Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis (approximately 70% of the database), Bibliotheca Scriptorum Romanorum Teubneriana and 600,000 words for the modern period. Selected works from the following series are also present: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Sources Chrétiennes, Migne’s Patrologia, Acta Sanctorum, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi. The print version begins with T/P BQ310. C.67.
Patrologia Latina
Works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to Pope Innocent III in 1216. The print version is called ‘Patrologiae cursus completus’ editor J.-P. Migne 1844-1865. Two series, ‘Series Latina’ (221 v.) & ‘Series Graeca’(161 v). T/P BQ 310 .M351.
Patrologiae Graecae
Works of the Church Fathers in Greek with Latin translations covering the Apostolic Fathers to the Council of Florence 1439. T/P BQ 310 .M34.
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Contains texts in Greek literature from the eighth century BCE to 600 AD. Also has historiographical, lexicographical, and scholastic texts from the period between 600 and 1453 AD. At present, 9,958 works associated with 2,314 authors.
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature
The corpus of Latin literature produced in Celtic-speaking Europe and the Latin works of the "peregrini" on mainland Europe during the period 400 - 1200 A.D. These texts span a variety of fields including theology, liturgy, grammar, hagiography, poetry, and historiography. A handful of philosophers are represented (e.g. Peter Abelard). Document types include legal texts, charters, and inscriptions.
These series can all be found in the Greek and Latin reading room, but we may have circulating copies in the stacks. Click on the series names or search the catalog to find specific titles. Also available online.