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Special Collections — Catholic Education Resources

A selected list of holdings of the American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives, at The Catholic University of America.


The university archives contains extensive documentation of the activities of The Catholic University of America. Please be aware, however, that many office records are under a blanket restriction which stipulates that they be unavailable for 50 years from their date of creation. For more information, please consult this webpage about university records. (Various inventories and databases are available for researcher use.)

Approximately 98 CUA theses and dissertations have been written on the subject of Catholic education. (An in-house database is available for researcher use.)

Over 300 articles have been written on the subject of Catholic education in the Catholic University Bulletin, The University Symposium, The Catholic University of America Magazine, The Alumnus, The Catholic University Envoy, U.S. Catholic Historian, NCWC Bulletin (also NCWC Review and Catholic Action), The Catholic Charities Review, and The Catholic Educational Review. (An in-house database is available for researcher use.)

Books and periodicals on Catholic education include The Catholic Educational Review. (There are no inventories available for researcher use. Please contact the archives.)