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Medieval Philosophers Research Guide: Peter Abelard

A select list of Medieval Philosophers.

Image of Peter Abelard

Primary Sources

Opera Theologica
Cura et studio Eligii M. Buytaert. Turnholti: Typographi Brepols, 1969-. BQ 310 .C73 no. 11-13, 190, etc. (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library, room 314). With introductions in English. Includes the following works:

1) Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. Apologia Contra Bernardum
2) Theologia Christiana. Theologia Scholarium Accedunt Capitula Haeresum Petri Abaelardi
3) Theologia "Summi Boni". Theologia "Scholarium"
4) Scito te Ipsum
5) Expositio in Hexameron
6) Sententie Magistri Petri Abaelardi

Petri Abaelardi Opera
Victor Cousin with assistance of C. Jourdain and E. Despois. Paris: prostant apud A. Durand, 1849-1859. BQ 6303 1849 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library, room 314)

Sic et non: A Critical Edition
Blanche B. Boyer and Richard McKeon. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. BQ 6305 .S8 1976 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library, room 316)

Peter Abelard, Collationes
Edited and translated by John Marenbon and Giovanni Orlandi. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. B765 .A23 D613 2001 (Stacks)

Logica in Twelfth Century Logic: Texts and Studies (vol. II)
Edited by L. Minio-Paluello. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteraura, 1958. BC6 .M66 T9 (Stacks)

Dialectica; first complete edition of the Parisian manuscript
Edited by L. M. de Rijk. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1956. BQ 6305 .D4 1956 (Stacks)

Petri Abaelardi Glossae Super Peri Hermeneias
Edited by Klaus Jacobi and Christian Strub. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010. BQ 310 .C73 no.206 (Religious Studies and Philosophy Library, room 314)

Secondary Sources

The Cambridge Companion to Abelard
Thomas, Rudolf. Trier: Paulinus-Verlag, 1980. B765 .A24 C36 2004 (Stacks)

The Philosophy of Peter Abelard
Marenbon, John. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. BQ 6306 .M37 1997 (Stacks)

Petrus Abaelardus, 1079-1142: Person, Werk und Wirkung
Edited by Jeffrey E. Brower and Kevin Guilfoy. Trier: Paulinus-Verlag, 1980. BT 4 .T82 v.38 (Stacks)