Inspec®, produced by The Institution of Engineering and Technology*, is a comprehensive index to literature in physics, electrical/electronic technology, computing, control engineering, information technology, manufacturing, production and mechanical engineering. Updated weekly, Inspec provides data from journals, conferences and other sources including books, reports, dissertations and videos.
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Outline of Inspec classification
Section A - Physics
A00 General
A10 The physics of elementary particles and fields
A20 Nuclear physics
A30 Atomic and molecular physics
A40 Fundamental areas of phenomenology
A50 Fluids, plasmas and electric discharges
A60 Condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties
A70 Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties
A80 Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
A90 Geophysics, astronomy and astrophysics
Section B - Electrical engineering and electronics
B00 General topics, engineering mathematics and materials science
B10 Circuit theory and circuits
B20 Components, electron devices and materials
B30 Magnetic and superconducting materials and devices
B40 Optical materials and applications, electro-optics and optoelectronics
B50 Electromagnetic fields
B60 Communications
B70 Instrumentation and special applications
B80 Power systems and applications
Section C - Computers and control
C00 General and management topics
C10 Systems and control theory
C30 Control technology
C40 Numerical analysis and theoretical computer topics
C50 Computer hardware
C60 Computer software
C70 Computer applications
Section D - Information technology for business
D10 General and management aspects
D20 Applications
D30 General systems and equipment
D40 Office automation - communications
D50 Office automation - computing
Section E - Mechanical and production engineering
E00 General topics in manufacturing and production engineering
E10 Manufacturing and production
E20 Engineering mechanics
E30 Industrial sectors