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Created in Reverence: The Artistic Process of Dony Mac Manus: On the Move (2004-2021)

On the Move (2004-2021)

In 2004, Mac Manus returned to Ireland to establish and direct the Irish Academy of Figurative Art. He left that position in 2007 when he returned to Florence to establish the diocesan Sacred Art School - Firenze. Through these teaching experiences he developed his belief that the zenith of a work of art – art that moves an audience – can be achieved when the artist develops him or herself through personal contemplation and spiritual renewal, as well as an increasing exploration of the tenets of philosophy and theology.  When those elements align, truth and goodness overflow in the form of the beautiful and magical.  His own practice has its roots in Catholic teachings and includes attending daily Holy Mass and/or praying before he works on a sculpture or painting. During this period, the artist executed commissions for St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, NY; Opus Dei U.S. Headquarters, New York, NY and the Catholic Information Center, Washington, D.C.

Top Shelf, On the Move
Top Shelf, On the Move
Dony Mac Manus
St. Joseph and the Child Jesus
St. Joseph and the Child Jesus
Dony Mac Manus
Description: For the Catholic Information Center, Washington, DC
Medium: Clay sketch
St. Joseph and the Child Jesus (video)
St. John Henry Newman
St. John Henry Newman
Dony Mac Manus
Description: For the Catholic Information Center, Washington, DC
Medium: Clay sketch
St. John Henry Newman (video)
Bottom Shelf
Bottom Shelf, On the Move
Dony Mac Manus
St. John Paul II
St. John Paul II
Dony Mac Manus
Description: Medium: Terracotta
St. John Paul II (video)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Dony Mac Manus
Medium: Bronze sketch
Archbishop Fulton Sheen (video)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Dony Mac Manus
Medium: Terracotta
St. Oliver Plunkett
St. Oliver Plunkett
Dony Mac Manus
Description: For St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, Ireland
Medium: Terracotta