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Computer Science Research Guide


Association of Computing Machinery Computing Classification System...  link to the ACM Digital Library Core Package


For a more detailed list see the ACM Computing Classification System.

Computing Classification System

A.  General Literature

A.0  General
A.1  Introductory and survey
A.2  Reference
A.m  Miscellaneous

B.  Hardware

B.0  General
B.1  Control structures and microprogramming
B.2  Arithmetic and logic structures
B.3  Memory structures
B.4  Input/output and data communications
B.5  Register-transfer-level implementation
B.6  Logic design
B.7  Integrated circuits
B.8  Performance and reliability
B.m  Miscellaneous

C.  Computer systems organization

C.0  General
C.1  Processor architectures
C.2  Computer communication networks
C.3  Special-purpose and application based systems
C.4  Performance of systems
C.5  Computer system implementation
C.m  Miscellaneous

D.  Software

D.0  General
D.1  Programming techniques
D.2  Software engineering
D.3  Programming languages
D.4  Operating systems
D.m  Miscellaneous

E.  Data

E.0  General
E.1  Data structures
E.2  Data storage representations
E.3  Data encryption
E.4  Coding and information theory
E.5  Files
E.m  Miscellaneous

F.  Theory of computation

F.0  General
F.1  Computation by abstract devices
F.2  Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
F.3  Logics and meanings of problems
F.4  Mathematical logic and formal languages
F.m  Miscellaneous

G.  Mathematics of computing

G.0  General
G.1  Numerical analysis
G.2  Discrete mathematics
G.3  Probability and statistics
G.4  Mathematical software
G.m  Miscellaneous

H.  Information systems

H.0  General
H.1  Models and principles
H.2  Database management
H.3  Information storage and retrieval
H.4  Information systems applications
H.5  Information interfaces and presentations
H.m  Miscellaneous

I.  Computing methodologies

I.0  General
I.1  Symbolic and algebraic manipulation
I.2  Artificial intelligence
I.3  Computer graphics
I.4  Image processing and computer vision
I.5  Pattern recognition
I.6  Simulation and modelin
I.7  Document and text processing
I.m  Miscellaneous

J.  Computer applications

J.0  General
J.1  Administrative data processing
J.2  Physcial sciences and engineering
J.3  Life and medical sciences
J.4  Social and behavioral sciences
J.5  Arts and humanities
J.6  Computer-aided engineering
J.7  Computers in other systems
J.m  Miscellaneous

K.  Computing milieux

K.0  General
K.1  The computer industry
K.2  History of computing
K.3  Computer and education
K.4  Computers and society
K.5  Legal aspects of computing
K.6  Management of computing and information systems
K.7  The computing profession
K.8  Personal computing
K.m  Miscellaneous


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