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Information Sciences Research Guide

The knowledge and skill with which recorded information is selected, acquired, organized, stored, maintained, retrieved, and disseminated to meet the needs of a specific clientele

Finding Articles

Articles can be found both online and at Mullen Library.  A good place to start is the SearchBox for Articles on the home page. You may also choose to click on the  databases tab from the home page, then databases by category, followed by the Library and Information Science Tab.

To research a topic begin by brainstorming several related keywords.  Then choose a the Searchbox for Articles or a database and begin searching.  Expand or refine your topic as necessary.  Use the Advance Search option to narrow your results. Sometimes an article will not be available in full-text from a particular database.  Try clicking on the "Find It" button to see if it is located somewhere else online, or in the WRLC libraries.

Library and Information Science Resources

Finding Journals

Journals can be found by doing a journal title search in Searchbox. Search results will include records for online databases and print holdings.

Carefully select the right record, taking note of the years available. A print journal may be in the library or in off-campus storage. Pay attention to the location and call number. You can request a journal article from off-campus storage through Interlibrary Loan.

If you are unable to locate a journal in our collections, submit a request through Interlibrary Loan.

General Article Databases