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Canon Law Research Guide

List of Canon Law Periodicals

This list contains periodicals available in print and online. The coverage may vary greatly. For current and complete print and electronic holdings please consult the "Journal Search".

Annales Canonici (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .A55)

L’Année Canonique (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .A62)

Annuarium Iuris Canonici (Warsaw, Poland) 

Anuario Argentino de Derecho Canónico (Argentina)

Annuario Canonico (Chile)

Anuario de Derecho Canónico (Stacks Periodicals BV102. A636)

Apollinaris (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .A64)

Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .A67)

Boletín Informativo de Derecho Canónico (Asociación Española de Canonistas, Madrid)

Bulletin de Nouvelles / Newsletter of the Canadian Canon Law Society (Stacks BV 102 .B8)

Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .I59 B9). Also available online.

Canon Law Abstracts (Canon Law Library BV102 .C227). Also available online.

The Canonist / Canon Law Society of Australia and New Zeland (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .C34)

Commentarium pro Religiosis et Missionariis (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .C73)

Communicationes (Canon Law Library BV102 .R3 C7).  

De Processibus Matrimonialibus (Stacks Periodicals BV1922 .D4)

Diritto Ecclesiastico (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .D59).

Ephemerides Iuris Canonici (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .E63)

Estudios Eclesiásticos (Madrid, Spain)

Folia Canonica (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .F56). Also available online.

Folia Theologica et Canonica (Stacks, Periodicals BV102 .F66)

Forum (Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal). Other titles: Forum: a review of the Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal - Stacks Periodicals BV102 .F6

Forum Canonicum (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .F67).

Ius Canonicum (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .I88). Also available online.

Ius Ecclesiae: rivista internazionale di diritto canonico (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .I89). Also available online.

Ius Matrimoniale: ze studiów nad kościelnym prawem małżeńskim (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .J957)

The Jurist (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .J95). Also available online.

JusOnline. (Jus: Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche)

Kanon: yearbook of the Society of the Law of the Oriental Churches (Stacks BV1111 .K16)

Kirche & Recht (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .K5). Also available online.

Kościół i Prawo (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .K67). Also available online.

Metron (Lviv, Ukraine)

Monitor Ecclesiasticus (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .M74)

Newsletter / Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .C3)

ÖARR: österreichisches Archiv für Recht & Religion (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .O85).

Periodica de re Canonica (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .P44)

Prawo Kanoniczne (Warsaw, Poland)

Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Canon Law Society of Australia & New Zealand (Stacks Folio BV102 .C286)

Proceedings of the ... Annual Convention of the Canon Law Society of America (Stacks BV103 .C22 P7)

The Person and the Challenges (Krakow, Poland)

Quaderni dello Studio Rotale (Stacks BV102 .Q3)

Quaderni di Diritto Ecclesiale (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .Q25)

Revista Brasileira de Direito Canônico / Direito & Pastoral (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .D57)

Revista Crítica de Derecho Canónico Pluriconfesional (Malaga, Spain)

Revista Española de Derecho Canónico (Stacks Periodicals BV 102 .R45)

Revue Církevního Práva/Church Law Review (Prague, Czech Republic)

Revue de Droit Canonique (Stacks Periodicals BV 102 .R454)

Scientia Canonica (Santa Catarina, Brazil)

Studia Canonica (Stacks Periodicals BV 102 .S93)

Studies in Church Law: an Indian canon law review (Stacks Periodicals BV 102 .S945)

Tribunal (Slovakia)

Universitas Canonica (Bogota, Colombia)

Vergentis (Murcia, Spain)

Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (Stacks Periodicals BV102 .Z48 K16). Also available online.

Sources used:
Faculty of Canon Law. “Canon Law Periodicals.” Pontificia Università Gregoriana.