2020 Census: What You Need to Know!
- Prior to April 1st, individuals will be contacted to start filling out the Census.
- Every 10 years, the data form the Census helps apportionment for seats in the House of Representatives and the distribution of $675 billion in federal funds.
- Everyone living in the U.S. counts!
- This is the first census to encourage people to respond online. However, the option to submit a response by phone or mail is still available.
Did You Know?
- ...the first enumerators were U.S. Marshals?
- ...this is the first census to encourage people to respond online?
- ...the 2000 Census included, for the first time, multiple response to race?
- ..."traditionally under-counted populations included young children, American Indians and Alaska Natives, people experiencing homelessness and people of color?"
The 2020 Census Immigration Question
Immigration headlines from various news sources regarding the immigration question in the past year:
- "What to know about the citizenship question the Census Bureau is planning to ask in 2020" -Pew Research Center
- "Would a citizenship question undermine the count" - CQ Researcher
- "Supreme Court puts census citizenship question on hold" -The Washington Post
- "Trump Backs Away from Census Citizenship Question, Orders Agencies to Hand Over Citizenship Information to Commerce" -CNN