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Catholicism and Libertarianism

Catholicism and Libertarianism

Libertarianism is the name given to the most recent incarnation of laissez-faire capitalism, a brand of economic thought dating back to the eighteenth century.  At its heart, Libertarianism holds that the individual is the basic unit of society and that the individual functions at its best and most free when the organs of the state intervene the least in the economic, social, and political activities of the individual.

The Catholic Church has a long tradition of opposing the laissez-faire economic views undergirding Libertarianism.  In more modern times, we can date the official Church’s clear opposition to this brand of economic thinking with the issuance of Rerum Novarum in 1891, and most recently with Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium in 2013. This site contains video related to the conference sponsored by the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies, links to articles by Catholic commentators both in support and opposing Libertarian perspectives on the economy, and historical materials related to the Libertarian perspective.