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Catholics and Social Welfare: The Bishops' Program of Social Reconstruction, 1919

The Roots of a Reformer

John Ryan grew up as the second generation son of an Irish Catholic immigrant Minnesota farmer when Ireland was boiling over with agitations against English landlords and Minnesota was aflame with the agrarian discontent that would lead to the rise of Populism.

Those trends explain much of John Ryan's passion for reform. His parents, for example, were very conscious of their Irish heritage and the continuing struggle of Irish Catholic peasants against their usually Anglo-Protestant landlords and rulers. As he noted in the first page of his autobiography, Social Doctrine in Action, family legend had it that his ancestors on both sides had lost their farms due to English evictions. Irish Catholics had lost ownership of their land over the course of three hundred years from the sixteenth century to the nineteenth. Such evictions were not uncommon. During the Great Irish Famine of the 1840s, over 200,000 Irish families were evicted from their farms because they could not pay their rents.  Even before this the Famine evictions were common as landlords cleared the increasingly inefficient small renters to create larger modern farms. In the 1870s and 1880s, Irish peasants and their Irish American supporters helped organize a movement to win Ireland some degree of independence, "Home Rule." Many of these reformers, led by Patrick Ford, editor of the Irish World, demanded not only "Home Rule" but returning ownership of the land to the peasants. Ford had become radicalized in the Great Depression of the 1870s and committed his paper not only to radical land reform in Ireland, but labor radicalism and the Greenback Party in the United States. Perhaps a stronger, certainly a more immediate, influence on Ryan was the agrarian protest movements that culminated in Populism. One of its great leaders was Ignatius Donnelly. Donnelly, an Irish Catholic, had switched from the Democrats to the Republicans over the issue of slavery in the 1860s and served six years in Congress. he spent most of his career, however, as an agitator for the cause of the farmers. He also wrote a great deal including books on the lost continent of Atlantis and an early science fiction space novel.

Donnelly's book, Caesar's Column, was widely read both within and without the Populist movement (within a year of its publication it was selling almost 1,000 copies a week) and was one of a number "utopian" novels written in that time (Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward is perhaps the most well-known of this genre). The most enduring influence on Ryan's thought and career, however, was probably Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum. Issued in 1891 Leo's encyclical built on the work of earlier European Catholic thinkers, such as Bishop Ketteler of Mainz in Germany. This encyclical was the first time that a pope addressed the problems of industrialization and became the foundation for Catholic social reform for the next seventy years. Leo, however, also strongly repudiated socialism and affirmed private property in his encyclical; nearly as many Catholic conservatives would draw on it to oppose radical change as reformers seeking new legislation.

Questions: Roots of His Thought

  • What important questions about Ryan's origins do these documents answer? What do they tell you about him that is important?
  • What don't they answer?
  • Based on your reading of the documents, name 3 great influences on Ryan's thought.
  • Do the documents suggest that there is one evil above all others?
  • Are these documents optimistic or pessimistic about the future?
  • Based on your reading of his journal entries, do you think Ryan was optimistic or pessimistic? why?
  • Why did America or, for that matter the world, get into such a mess?
  • According to Donnelly?
  • According to Leo XIII?
  • What did they think about the government as a solution to these ills?


Title: Excerpt from Personal Journal, 1894 (with transcription)

Description: John A. Ryan's personal "Journal", kept during his years in the seminary and shortly thereafter. This selection, written in November 11, 1894, expresses his disappointment at the losses suffered by the People's Party in the November elections. The People's Party referred to was the Populist Party, also called the Alliance or Farmers's Alliance.

Contributor: John A. Ryan Papers Collection, Box 79, Folder 1, Journals 1892-1989, pp. 41-46.

Date: November 11, 1894
Title: Social Doctrine in Action: A Personal History, 1941

Description: This selection describes the impact of Pope Leo XII's encyclical Rerum Novarum on John A. Ryan's social thinking. The encylical supported Ryan's Populist distrust of an unregulated free market and the necessity of government intervention in the economy to ensure the welfare of all.

Contributor: John A. Ryan Papers

Date: 1941
Title: Ignatius Donnelly, Caesar's Column, Chapters XI & XII

Description: In 1889, Donnelly wrote Caeser's Column, a utopian science fiction novel. The book is a cautionary tale set one hundred years in the future (1988). In Chapter XI, the protagonist learns that unbridled capitalism ruined the political and economic systems of the world. Donnelly also predicts globalization in this chapter. In Chapter XII, he outlines an economic system that he believes would result in a utopia. NOTE: Ignatius Donnelly's Caesar's Column contains ethnic prejudice, but we include it here because: John Ryan was powerfully influenced by Donnelly, a United States Congressmen, populist and author who lived in a town near Ryan's own in Minnesota. Late nineteenth-century populism, as historian Richard Hofstadter showed in his classic work, The Age of Reform, sometimes contained elements of anti-Semitism, aligning Jews with elite monetary power. Ignatius Donnelly's populism contained strains of anti-Semitism, and the excerpt from Caesar's Column included on this website, in attributing the impoverishment and exploitation of Europe to "Israelites" and to individuals with allegedly "Semitic blood," exhibit this prejudice. The passage also contains anti-Asian sentiment, very common in American society during this period. We have included the excerpt here because Donnelly's ideas (Ryan mentions the impact of Caesar's Column by name in his autobiography) heavily influenced Ryan's, and these passages clearly illustrate Donnelly's populist views. There is, however, no evidence that John Ryan himself was anti-Semitic. To the contrary, Ryan famously denounced the anti-Semitism of Father Charles Coughlin in a 1938 Commonweal, piece titled “Anti-Semitism in the Air,” which was reprinted as a 1939 article titled "Catholics and Anti-Semitism" in Current History. He denounced anti-Semitism generally in a 1939 pamphlet titled "American Democracy vs. Racism, Communism." He was also a member of the Committee of Catholics to Fight Anti-Semitism.
Title: Rerum Novarum, 1891

Description: Cardinal Gibbons' success in defending the Knights of Labor from condemnation had repercussions for the working class for years to come. The controversy over the Knights served as part of the impetus behind one of the most influential social encyclicals of the modern era. Issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, Rerum Novarum is a clear statement of the Catholic Church's position on the relations between capital and labor in modern society.

Creator: Pope Leo XIII

Publisher: The Catholic Mind, 29:7, (New York: The America Press), April 8, 1931.