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Psychology Research Guide

A starting assistance to students and faculty for the research in Psychology area.

Why articles?

Articles provide the current research, narrowly focused coverage, or detail.

Articles databases for Psychology

Current CUA students, faculty and staff can use these databases to search for articles on psychology or educational psychology.

How to get the full text of an article?

  • Using "FindIt" button in database to locate the full text

When you find an interesting article in a database, if the database doesn't provide full-text of the article, and you find the  button, click on it. It will start to search our SearchBox to find out whether the databases and journals that CU subscribes contain that full-text article. If we do have the full text article, it will show you a list with the databases/journal package. Click the database/journal package name on the list, it will bring you to the full-text article. If we don't have the full text of that article, it will give you the option(s) to request it via the services our library provides.


  • Using SearchBox to locate the full text if you have the citation of an article

If you have the citation of an article, you can use our SearchBox to get the full text of the article. Watch this video to learn how to do this quickly and easily: