In the databases linked on this page, you can search for articles in academic/scholarly and trade journals and other sources.
Compare global economies, countries, and industries with in-depth analysis on over 400,000 companies.Detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. Thousands of company histories and industry essays from Gale's core business collection. Case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies.
Academic Search Complete, first stop for the beginning researcher, is our largest multi-disciplinary database, offering thousands of full-text journals, as well as indexing and abstracts for magazines, monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Most of the periodicals are covered back to at least the early 1990s, but some content dates back as far as 1887. The database features some content going back as far as 1867, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. To cross-search additional subject-specific databases from this publisher, click on Choose Databases.
Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. It offers an intuitive, engaging research experience on a wide range of devices and provides collaboration tools to make it easier to work on team research projects efficiently while ensuring that individuals stay accountable.
ProQuest Complete provides a single search to all ProQuest databases that Catholic University subscribes, such as ProQuest Research Library, Historical Newspapers, Dissertation Abstracts International, Social Services Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science, etc. It allows search in a limited subject area too.
Provides data from the archival holdings of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research back to 1935. Includes public opinion survey results from organizations such as Gallup Organization, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates. The vast majority of samples consists of randomly selected U.S. adults aged 18 years or over. iPOLL does not include state samples, foreign samples, or Internet surveys. You must register your email each time you use the database.
Covers public opinion polls for the years from 1986 to present. Contains questions and responses from surveys conducted by Gallup, Harris, Roper, newspapers, television, magazines, non-profit research centers and religious groups. All surveys reported here were conducted using scientifically selected random samples.
Following are a select list of e-journals that may assist you with your business research. To locate other journals, use the Journal Title Search on the library home page. You will be able to search by journal title name or by subject.